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Space Education Catalogue


Master 2 Solid Mechanics

Course Details

Objectives : In a scientific, technological, and industrial environment that increasingly requires innovative solutions, it is vital to describe the mechanical response of materials and structures in ever greater detail. This requires models that capture multiple interconnected length scales. The fast-developing research field of multiscale modeling of materials and structures is inherently multidisciplinary: physicists contribute their knowledge of how condensed matter behaves on small scales, solid mechanicians their expertise of larger scales, and applied mathematicians techniques for bridging scales.

The Solid Mechanics track is centered around the multiphysics and multiscale modeling of materials and structures, and is a Master-level program at the interface between these three fields.. It provides advanced training in the fundamentals of the mechanics of materials and structures, highlighting the multiscale and multiphysics dimensions of state-of-the-art research in solid mechanics and emphasizing a mathematical approach.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Targeted careers : The Master's degree in Solid Mechanics aims to train students for research in mechanics, and to a lesser degree for a career in industry. At the end of the Master’s program, students will be equipped to pursue a Ph.D. or seek employment in research and development in industry or in a public research institution.

Duration and terms : 1 year

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