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Space Education Catalogue


Stage - Robotique : commande des robots

Course Details

Objectives : In full expansion, robotics takes a considerable place in multiple sectors such as industry, transport and medical applications. The robot is a physical object equipped with means of perception and action. Obtaining the best functional performances requires mastery of a systemic combination of mechanics, electronics, automation and real-time computing. The aim of this training is to provide the methodological tools to ensure the control of robots so that they best respond to the tasks assigned to them. At the end of this training, participants will be able to define the robot control architecture and adjust its adjustment parameters in a reasoned manner. Participants will move from theory to practical experimentation by discovering increasingly complex situations.

Public concerned : Engineers in charge of developing robotic systems.
Engineers in charge of adapting robotic systems to specific environments.

Prerequisites : Point and solid mechanics: knowledge.
Automation: concepts.

Duration and terms : 35 h

Dedicated web site :

