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Catalogue des formations spatiales


Bachelor in Engineering Sciences

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : Mechanical Engineering: a) To train mechanical engineers with skills to conceive, design, manufacture and operate mechanical engineering systems and products; b) Foster a creative, critical, autonomous and interdisciplinary approach, incorporating the most recent technological innovations. Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering - To enable for conception, including analysis, specification, design, industrialization, commercialization and use of products and services that use electricity, along with other forms of energy, in the field of Electrotechnical Engineering and Information Technologies.

Public concerné : students

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 6 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Conditions d'admission (diplômes) : Secondary Education / EU Level IV or V Vocational Education

Métiers et activité professionnelle visés : Mechanical Engineer: Project offices; Manufacturing industries for mechanical and thermal equipment; Energy production and air conditioning companies; Maintenance and operations management activities; Project evaluation and consultancy tasks in service companies (banks and insurance companies); Technical and commercial activities; Research and industrial development laboratories. Electrical and Computer Engineer: Services and industries in the technological areas of telecommunications, energy, electronics, computers (hard and soft perspectives), robotics, decision and control; Technological support for the development of systems and products for medicine, biotechnology, space, oceans and the environment; Consulting and software development.

Durée et modalités : 3 years

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