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Objectifs : The Subatomic and astroparticles physics -SAP- master programme focuses on fundamental and applied research programmes conducted at facilities such as large centres in particle physics (for instance LHC at CERN in Geneva, or JUNO in China) or in nuclear physics (for instance SPIRAL at GANIL in France) and on the strong connections with modern cosmology and astrophysics. The two-year Master programme includes advanced lectures on theoretical methods and experimental techniques and requires active participation of the students in research projects to prepare them for a professional career in science.
Learning by active participation in research The educational programme is built around the wide range of research activities conducted at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) hosting the second year specialisation of the Master. This assures close contacts between students and scientists participating in the Master programme via lectures and research projects proposed to students. In addition to theoretical physics IPHC has a long tradition in developing instrumentation for ambitious research programmes within large international collaborations. Scientists of the IPHC conduct world-class research in all current major centres and domains of subatomic physics.
The fundamental and applied research programmes in particle and nuclear physics, both connected to modern cosmology and astrophysics define the basic content of the second year of this Master.
Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)
Conditions d'admission (diplômes) : I - At the M1 level
- All the courses of this master are taught in English. B2 level (CEFR scale) is required.
- Our master of Physics assumes that candidates should have a solid knowledge of classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics. The students should as well know and beable to apply the laws of quantum mechanics and statistical physics of free particles.
- Some experience with programming languages is needed.
II - At the M2 level
- All the courses of this master are taught in English. A B2 level (CEFR scale) is required.
- A knowledge of a programming language and algorithmic (Fortran, C, C ++, Python type) is necessary to be able to correctly follow the program.
- Candidates must have a strong background in modern physics (Electromagnetism, relativity, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics).
- For « Condensed Matter and Nanophysics » program, they must have followed and validated at least two courses (at the introductory and advanced levels) of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and electromagnetism.
- For « Subatomic physics and astroparticles » program, they must have followed and validated at least two courses (at the introductory and advanced levels) of quantum mechanics and a course of subatomic physics (particles or nuclear).
- The Master's program is intensive, and it is not possible to have a parallel job. Financial resources must be guaranteed. Students with very good academic records may apply for the Master QMat scholarship.
- Solid knowledge of Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity, introductory level in Subatomic Physics, Interaction of Radiations with Matter, basic skills in Programming and Scientfic Numerical Methods.
Compétences acquises durant la formation : Targeted skills and knowledge :
- Science : understanding concepts and phenomena in subatomic and astroparticle physics, in particle detection and instrumentation, in computing and big data analysis.
- Research : modeling a physical problem within a given theoretical framework inventing, designing and simulating an experiment, analyzing and interpreting data.
- Project management : work impact and communicate in large international collaborations.
Métiers et activité professionnelle visés : Our students pursue their career both in the public or private sector either after a successful PhD-thesis or directly after having completed the Master Diploma.
The career possibilities cover a large range of domains, both in fundamental and in applied research: Universities, CNRS, CEA, IRSN, EDF, ANDRA, Mirion Tech., international research organisations, companies developing detectors software algorithms (Big Data) and computing simulations.
Durée et modalités : A two-year programme The first year of the Master aims at providing a solid and broad base in theoretical and experimental physics and is shared by all specialisations : Condensed Matter and Nanophysics, Astrophysics and Physics of Radiation and Imaging techniques. Students from other universities, who have acquired this base, can join the Master Programme directly at the second year, where the specialisation takes place. In the second year the students attend advanced lectures in particle and nuclear physics and cosmology. The second semester is devoted to a full time research project (Internship or Master thesis). This phase represents a crucial step in our educational approach driven by active participation in research and aims at high qualification to prepare a Ph D thesis in France or abroad.
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