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Space Education Catalogue


Master Géomatique - Parcours Observation de la Terre et Géomatique (OTG)

Course Details

Objectives : The Master Earth Observation and Geomatics aims to:

- Give students advanced training in remote sensing (radiation sensors, image processing, ...) and geomatics (collection technologies, management, analysis, interpretation and representation of information Digital geographic).

- Learn theoretical and practical observation, modeling and representation. This is to appropriate information (sources, nature and structure), technical acquisition, management, and processing and analysis than to the performance.

- Interpret and use spatial information in territorial and environmental approaches in the fields of the environment, risk management, management of territories and natural resources.

Public concerned : Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : In Master 1, admission is based on application for all students holding a degree in geography, or other disciplines (ecology, earth sciences, computer science, etc.) from the MonMaster platform (https:/ /

In Master 2, admission on file is done from the eCandidat platform (

In continuing education: admission on file for employees with at least 5 years of experience in the professional geographic information sector.

To find out how to apply, consult the dedicated page on the University of Strasbourg website.

Duration and terms : 4 semesters

Dedicated web site :

