BUT Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle (GEII)
- Organisation : IUT Angers Cholet
(Université d'Angers) - Way of training : Initial education - Life-long learning
- Language(s): French
- Place: Campus Belle-beille à Angers (French Regions: Pays-de-la-Loire)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: BUT (three-year technological university degree)
- 1st required level : French baccalauréat + 0
- This training is included in RNCP / RS
Course Details
Objectives : The objective is to train senior technicians in 3 years who will exercise middle management responsibilities in innovative scientific and technical fields (electronics, electrical engineering, automation, industrial computing, networks).
In addition to a strong common core, the student will choose a progressive specialization from the second year, in line with his skills and aspirations. At the end of the first two years of training, the student will obtain the University Diploma of Technology (DUT) GEII.
The training aims to give students the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of sustainable development and the rapid evolution of professions in the very broad fields of GEII.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Partnerships with national organisations : CFA FormaSup Pays de la Loire
Dedicated web site : https://formations.univ-angers.fr/fr/offre-de-formation/bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie-BUT/sciences-technologies-sante-STS/but-genie-electrique-et-informatique-industrielle-KQAM9WWM.html
- 6 - Electrical Engineering: Generation and Storage of Electrical Energy, Conversion, Regulation, Power Electronics, Actuators, Electric Propulsion, Microsystems, Mechatronics...
- 7 - Embedded/Cyberphysical Systems: Embedded Networks, Real Time Systems, Formal Methods, Embedded Software, Avionics, Instrumentation...
- 8 - Electronics Systems : Analog and digital functions, Components, Microelectronics, Integrated Circuits, Samplers, ASIC/FPGA, Digital Signal Processors, Nanotechnologies
- 9 - Microwave and Photonics: Radiofrequency Functions, Propagation, Antennas, MIMO, Metasurfaces, Terrahertz, Optics, Optoelectronics, Laser, Photonic Circuits, Plasmonics, Quantum Technologies...
- 10 - Control Systems and Robotics: Linear systems, Identification, Optimization, Command and Control, Filtering, Non-linear Systems, Autonomous systems...
- 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.