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Space Education Catalogue


LP Métier de l'informatique parcours ASSR - Administration Sécurité Systèmes Réseaux

Course Details

Objectives : The graduates of the LP MI ASSR aim to design, implement and administer secure and sustainable IT systems. Within the proposed course (cloud and cybersecurity), they are required to administer operating systems, deploy network applications, supervise equipment, manage users, and maintain the hardware fleet.

They develop tools to automate administration tasks. They deploy and administer virtualized infrastructures and are introduced to containerization. They carry out audits, assess vulnerabilities and risks, and deploy monitoring, defense and a posteriori analysis tools for attack traces.

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Acquired skills during the training :
*Know how to administer networks and the Internet: design an IT project for a company by integrating issues of availability, quality of service, security and supervision. Manage a project (technical documentation, model, communication with stakeholders).
*Know how to connect companies and users: deploy a fixed or mobile communication system, integrating security issues. Collaborate in project mode in French and English.
*Know how to create IT tools and applications for transmission systems: develop technical specifications and the specifications of an IT application. Implement, deploy and maintain an IT solution. Secure the digital environment of an application. Practice technological monitoring.
*Know how to administer and monitor a secure information system: conduct security audits, assess vulnerabilities and risks, deploy monitoring, defense and attack trace analysis tools.

Dedicated web site :

