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Objectives : Based on innovation and technological development, the GEII training prepares future middle managers to manage electrical installations, program electronic cards, automate industrial processes, etc. 3 courses are offered in the 3rd year:
Electricity and energy management (EME) - RNCP form 35407:
monitor the production of electrical energy conversion systems and intervene in maintenance processes.
Automation and industrial computing (AII) - RNCP form 35408:
install and program automated systems that will ensure the management and control of industrial processes.
Electronics and embedded systems (ESE) - RNCP form 35409:
analyze, design and produce electronic systems, connect them and ensure their maintenance.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Targeted careers : Electronics engineer, electrical technician, automation engineer, industrial IT engineer, assistant engineer supervising technicians in studies and design, in automated installation management and maintenance, business manager... in many sectors of activity: electronics industries, electrical industries, energy management, telecommunications, automotive, transport, construction, aeronautics, space, defense...
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