Master Mécanique Parcours Modélisation et simulation numérique
- Organisation : UFR des Sciences Caen
(Université Caen Normandie) - Way of training : Initial education
- Language(s): French
- Place: Caen (French Regions: Normandie)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: Master or DNM: French National Master Degree
- 1st required level : French baccalauréat + 3
- VAE (Validation of Acquired Experiences): Yes
- This training is included in RNCP / RS
- This training is Eligible for CPF
Course Details
Objectives : The Mechanics master's degree aims to train specialists in research and development in a laboratory or within a company. Thanks to your skills in digital modeling and simulation, you will be able to work in industry, engineering or research (fundamental and applied) in mechanics.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site :
- Engineering Sciences
- System Engineering, Programme Management, Production
- 3 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Composites, Metallurgy, Forming, Additive Manufacturing, Metamaterials, Processes, Plastics, Chemistry, Polymers, Surface Treatment, etc.
- 4 - Thermodynamics, Propulsion, Energy: Thermal Machines, Thermal Transfer and Control, Cryogenics, Pyrotechnics, Engines, Green Fuels/SAF, Hydrogen, Renewable Energies...
- 5 - Fluid Physics: Fluids, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, Acoustics, Hydraulics...