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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur CNAM Informatique Systèmes d'information et business intelligence

Course Details

Objectives : The “information systems and business intelligence” computer engineer is capable of designing, carrying out and directing company or administration information system projects.
Depending on the options chosen, he will have more in-depth skills for:
Design, create, administer and audit databases that can be complex and massive.
Design, create, administer and develop data reserves and implement a Business Intelligence solution.
Realize the urbanization of the information system. Govern and audit the information system.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : For the preparatory cycle: Bac+2 (DPCT du Cnam, BTS, DUT, DEUG) in the specialty or a neighboring specialty, VES or VAE.

Notes : Training outside of working hours

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