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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur généraliste, Option Energie

Course Details

Objectives : This option offers a broad vision of the energy problem both in the long term and in its current industrial and societal implications: understanding how development policies are developed and how supply and distribution chains are structured.

Indeed, the availability of energy in sufficient quantity and at a reasonable cost is fundamental for the current and future development of modern societies. If the energy problem is identified as one of the major challenges that the next generations will have to face, it is already part of the essential concerns of the current world both at the industrial level and at the level of society in general (energy transition , environmental impacts).

This option is made up of a sector chosen from “Embedded energy” (oil, gas, biofuels, hydrogen, heat pump) or “Infrastructure energy” (networks, nuclear) and a course common to both sectors entitled “Production thermal” (cogeneration methanization PV wood wind turbines, etc.).

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Acquired skills during the training : Identify possible paths to progress in the energy sector, with a systemic vision
Evaluate and quantify the energy, environmental and economic contributions of the different energy sectors
Understand an energy production project in its entirety and implement it
Have a broad and systemic vision of global energy issues and sectors
Know how to research and critically analyze data (databases, scientific reports, etc.) in the energy sector, about energy production and their impact.

Dedicated web site :

