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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur TELECOM Nancy, Systèmes et Logiciels Embarqués (SLE)

Course Details

Objectives : TELECOM Nancy graduate engineering school provides to students a large scope of knowledge and skills in computer science.
domaines d’expertise : Cybersécurité – Santé numérique – Intelligence artificielle – Science des données – Développement logiciel – Systèmes Embarqués – Cloud Computing – Industrie 4.0 – Objets connectés

The SLE deepening provides students with the capability to analyse, design, integrate and certify real-time embedded systems on any platform.

Public concerned : Students with a bachelor of science degree

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : Bachelor degree and oral discussion

Prerequisites : knowledge of computer science: software development,
OOL such as Java or C++, basic computer architecture;
mathematics for engineers: algebra, calculus, Fourier transform etc.

Duration and terms : 3 years

Partnerships with national organisations : Université de Lorraine, LORIA, CRAN, INRIA, CNRS, Institut Mines-Télécom

International partnerships : Regular exchange of students with universities / international schools

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : (SLE)

