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Space Education Catalogue


Licence professionnelle Automation et Robotique

Course Details

Objectives : The professional bachelor's degree "Industry Professions: Mechatronics, Robotics - Automation and Robotics" aims to train specialist technicians in the field of automation, i.e. in the design, production, improvement and maintenance of production tools.

This training can be followed on a work-study basis (with a professionalization contract), in standard initial training or in continuing education.

The evolution of the training plans to prepare students for the context of Industry 4.0. This concept corresponds to a new way of organizing the means of production for industrial companies. The objective is to set up so-called “intelligent” factories, thus paving the way for a new industrial revolution. To provide the necessary skills, the training benefits from the support of the RoBioSS research team of the Pprime Institute.

The purpose of the vocational license is to train senior technicians specializing in industrial automation and robotics, able to integrate design office or maintenance departments at the end of their training.

The graduate can perform, for example, the following industrial tasks:

the industrialization and management of robotic production lines,
the production of control software for production systems,
the design of the control part of special machines,
the choice, sizing and installation of industrial automatons.

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : Holders of a BAC+2 (DUT or industrial BTS) or an L2 Sciences et Techniques.

Resumption of studies is accepted in the form of continuing education or validation of acquired experience (VAE).

Acquired skills during the training : The training is based on the acquisition of a double skill in mechanical engineering on the one hand, and in electrical engineering and industrial computing on the other hand, implemented on technical, hardware and software platforms, close to industrial machines and using state-of-the-art technologies in the field of industrial automation.

The lessons at the heart of the training are subject to certification of compliance with the standards promoted by the international association PLCopen. The PLCopen training center certification covers the modules "Automated systems" (software development on a PLC target within the framework of the IEC61131-3 standard) and "Motion control" (implementation of the PLCopen Motion axis control approach) . The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Poitiers is the only French establishment to hold these two certifications.

The graduate will be able, for example, to use the skills acquired to be responsible for the development or production of the control part of a machine.

Partnerships with national organisations : Institut Pprime, Dépt GMSC, Equipe RoBioSS - Pole formation UIMM N-A

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