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Space Education Catalogue


Mastère Spécialisé® Artificial Intelligence & Business transformation (AIBT)

Course Details

Objectives : The Specialized Master® "Artificial Intelligence & Business transformation" is part of the necessary transformation of companies through data, in particular via artificial intelligence. This program prepares for emerging jobs via training accessible on a part-time basis to technical, IT, data...

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : Entry level: bac +5 or bac +4 for experienced profiles
Master 2 diploma or engineering degree bac +5 (or equivalent diploma) or Master 1 diploma (or equivalent) with at least 3 years of professional experience

Duration and terms : 1 to 2 weeks per month for 10 months alternating with a professional assignment (part-time, work placement or apprenticeship).

Notes : the training allows you to acquire a Specialized Masters® diploma accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles but also a professional certification "Project Manager artificial intelligence and Data Sciences (MS)" which is currently being renewed.

Partnerships with national organisations : ANITI, Midisup, TBS Education et l’IRT Saint-Exupery

Dedicated web site :

