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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur Spécialité Matériaux et Nanotechnologies

Course Details

Objectives : Acquire a base of general skills in physical chemistry, supplemented by specialized education in Nanosciences and Materials Science.
Understand both the advances in research in the field of synthesis and characterization of these materials, as well as the industrial development of applications linked to their remarkable properties.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Targeted careers : Materials characterization engineer (structure, surface), process and development engineer, production engineer, R & D engineer, project engineer, quality engineer.
Prospects for development in management are encouraged by specific lessons in the world of business and project management.
Sectors of activity: New energies, transport, engineering, automotive, electronics, telecommunications. Job prospects in large companies and SMEs specializing in nanomaterials and technologies.

Duration and terms : 6 semesters

Dedicated web site :

