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Space Education Catalogue


Les entretiens de Toulouse

Course Details

Objectives : This high-level scientific and technical training is:

Intended for engineers, project managers, program managers, technical directors, R&D directors, experts, etc. in the aeronautics and space sector on subjects with high industrial stakes.
Rich in exceptional moments of sharing between SMEs, large companies, contractors and research centers focused on business concerns: the topics covered are chosen by industrialists who are widely represented in the program committee.

72 interviews to choose from among 18 training areas:

- Civil aviation [Ac]
- Aerodynamics [Ae]
- Avionics [Ad]
- Cybersecurity [Cy]
- Military domain [Dm]
- Drones & autonomous vehicles [Dr]
- Tests and Experiments [Ee]
- Energy on board [En]
- Space & Aeronautics [Es]
- Artificial intelligence [AI]
- Innovation & Competitiveness [Ic]
- Materials [Ma]
- Modeling & system engineering [MB]
- Aeronautical maintenance [Mt]
- New engines & propulsion [Nm]
- Design of structures [St]
- Sustainable Air Transport [Td]
- Factory of the Future [Uf]

Duration and terms : 2 days, yearly,
9-10 April 2025

Partnerships with national organisations : Under the auspices of Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace

Dedicated web site :

