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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur de l'École Polytechnique de Nantes Université

Course Details

Objectives : The teachings of Polytech Nantes aim to train engineers who are up to date with the latest scientific and technical knowledge in its specialties.

The specialties of the Polytech Nantes Engineering Diploma are as follows:
Under student status:
- Electronics and Digital Technologies (ETN) *
- Electrical Engineering (GE) **
- Civil Engineering (GC) **
- Process and Bioprocess Engineering (GPB) **
- Computer Science (INFO) *
- Materials (MAT) *
- Thermal Energy and Mechanics (TEM) *
Possibility of a professionalization contract in the final year of the engineering cycle.

Under apprentice status:
- Electrical engineering by apprenticeship (GE-a) **
- Energy management (MdE) **
- Computer science, data engineering and artificial intelligence (IDIA) *
- Electronics and digital technologies by apprenticeship (ETN-a) *

Nantes campus*: ETN, ETN-a, INFO, IDIA, MAT, TEM
Saint Nazaire campus**: GE, GC, GPB, GE-a, MdE

Public concerned : Students who like science and technology.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : - Baccalauréat S or STI2D or STL : (competitive examination),
- CPGE: National competitive entrance examination + interview,
- BUT, Licence (L2 or L3): student record + interview,
- Master first year (M1): student record + interview

Prerequisites : Scientific knowledge (mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering, chemistry)

Duration and terms : after the bac: 5 years / after a bac+2: 3 years / after a bac+4: 2 years

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