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Space Education Catalogue


Catalogue des formations courtes (stages) sur l'aérospatial

Course Details

Objectives : A wide range of non graduated training courses, in two major areas:
• Engineer’s techniques and business from high technologies sector.
• Cross activities including: engineering, business management and human resources management.

Duration and terms : A few days depending internships

Notes : EUROSAE is, a Public Limited Company, a subsidiary of two major schools of Defence and DGA (Délégation Générale pour l’Armement or General Delegation for Army)
• l’ISAE-SUPAERO : Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace,
• l’ENSTA ParisTech : Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées.
This is also a subsidiary of SAE (Société des Amis de ces Ecoles – Company of friends of these Schools). Founded in 2004, EUROSAE took the activities of continuing education in January 2005. These activities have been running by the SAE since 1960 to the benefit of those schools. EUROSAE has therefore had a strong experience for nearly 50 years.

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