Master Sciences cognitives
- Organisation : Université de Bordeaux - Collège Sciences et Technologies
(Université de Bordeaux) - Way of training : Initial education - Life-long learning - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
- Language(s): French
- Place: Talence, Bordeaux (French Regions: Nouvelle-Aquitaine)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: Master or DNM: French National Master Degree
- 1st required level : French baccalauréat + 3
- This training is included in RNCP / RS
Course Details
Objectives : The Master in Cognitive Sciences (MSC) offers 2 training courses, Ergonomics and Cognitive Sciences (TECH), through 2 distinct courses, the first semester of which is common. It is aimed at students who wish to train as an ergonomist or cognitive specialist or pursue a doctorate in one of these fields.
Public concerned : Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Duration and terms : 4 semesters
Dedicated web site :
- Human and Social Sciences
- 18 - Aerospace Systems Infrastructure and Operations: Airport Platforms, Launch Bases, Control and Mission Centers, Air and Space Traffic Management, In-Orbit Services, Operations, Planning, Man-Machine Interfaces, Human Factors, etc.