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Objectives : The STS master's degree in EEEA (Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation) brings together 3 disciplines. The high scientific level and audience of this mention is the result of several decades of experience and evolution of Engineering Sciences within Claude Bernard University - Lyon 1. Four Research Laboratories with an international audience (AMPERE, CREATIS, INL, LAGEP) provide most of the teachers for this master's degree in addition to professionals from the economic sector.
This master's degree aims for a high level of qualification to the most demanding international standards and covers the fields of modeling, analysis and control of electrical and industrial systems. It aims to acquire and master the tools and methods for designing and using industrial systems or subsystems integrating new technologies. The opportunities concern all industrial sectors but also teaching and research.
The titles of these courses are:
- Embedded Electronics, Computing, and Instrumentation ([EI]²) (initial training and work-study training)
- Electronics and Embedded Systems (ESE)(initial training)
- Electrical Energy (EE) (initial training and work-study training)
- Automatic Intelligent Systems (ASI) (initial training and work-study training)
- Integrated passive components (international French-speaking Africa course) (initial training) (administrative registration via the University of Saint Etienne)
-Information Processing and Instrumentation for Industry (T3I), Campus Roannais, (initial training and work-study training) (administrative registration via the University of Saint Etienne)
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Targeted careers : The industrial fields concern the large electrical industries, designers of electronic components and circuits, aeronautics, aerospace, land and maritime transport, the automobile industry, home automation, robotics, induction heating, lighting…and in general electrical systems and electronics contractors. We must also strongly note the automation-production professions.
Duration and terms : 4 semesters
Notes : The M2 is implemented by several establishments (Lyon1, ECL).
Dedicated web site :
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