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Space Education Catalogue


BUT Science et Génie des Matériaux (SGM)

Course Details

Objectives : The Bachelor of Technology (BUT) in Materials Science and Engineering trains, in 3 years, generalist senior technicians in the field of materials: metallic materials, polymers, glass, ceramics, wood, composites including wood-based composites and agro-materials.

The training provides a solid foundation in materials analysis and characterization, engineering, processes, design (CAD-CAM), experimental measurements, implementation, manufacturing and quality control. This versatility, combined with a good knowledge of materials from biomass and ecological constraints in the industrial environment, is an undeniable plus for these technicians capable of integrating into different departments of the same company.

At the IUT of Mont de Marsan, students have the choice between 2 courses: "Recycling and materials recovery professions" and "Materials and product engineering professions".

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Dedicated web site :

