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Space Education Catalogue


Mastère spécialisé Manager Amélioration Continue option Excellence Opérationnelle

Course Details

Objectives : The Specialized Master® Continuous Improvement Manager is at the center of all the adaptation and development processes for working methods, technical resources and human capacities. The student is constantly seeking to make the company more efficient by proposing improvement ideas. Improvement projects can affect all sectors of the company and all professional fields. He has the obligation to be constantly on the lookout to be able to anticipate future developments in order to maintain the optimal performance of the company. He is able to diagnose the state of efficiency of a system and make the necessary improvements to make it efficient while supporting people in the change.

Public concerned : Students continuing their studies

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Duration and terms : 75 days over a 12-month period

Dedicated web site :

