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Objectives : IPSA’s training focuses on developing the skills essential for a first job in an industrial company, while promoting the acquisition of a cultural background necessary for the development and broadening of the field of skills required for a job as a senior manager.
IPSA training has 2 objectives
To be in charge of all positions within a company (Research and Development, Systems Projects, Production Manufacturing, Maintenance and Logistic Support, Implementation and Operation of Operational Systems, Testing, Propulsion, Quality…)
Working in related cutting-edge fields of aeronautics and space (land and sea transport, energy…) using techniques and technologies that are dual to those of the aerospace field.
Through the training provided, students assert their personality, achieve a certain autonomy, develop their ability to work in a team through industrial projects and compulsory internships and acquire a solid scientific and technical culture with an aeronautical vocation.
Public concerned : IPSA offers courses taught in English at all levels for exchange students.
Programs level :
3rd?year of Bachelor level (taught in English or French) in Paris (Fall + Spring semesters)
1st year of Master level (taught in English) in Paris (Spring semester only)
2nd year of Master level (taught in English) in Paris (Fall semester only)
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements : Students must be officially nominated by their Home University to receive the application procedure and the updated course list.
Prerequisites : Students must be officially nominated by their Home University to receive the application procedure and the updated course list.
Acquired skills during the training : IPSA’s training is based on both academic aspects (lectures and tutorials) and practical aspects (projects, design offices, work placements and tutorials).
Tutorials allow students to consolidate what they have learned in the lectures. The work is conducted in half classes. Students work actively, ask questions to the teacher and take turns correcting the exercise.
Targeted careers : Ingénieur méthodes, ingénieur de production, ingénieur drones, ingénieur cybersécurité aéronautique, ingénieur maintenance aéronautique, ingénieur qualité, ingénieur systèmes embarqués, ingénieur mécanique spatiale, Ingénieur en électronique et informatique industrielle, ingénieur d'affaires, ingénieur électronicien des systèmes de la sécurité aérienne
Methods engineer, production engineer, drone engineer, aeronautical cybersecurity engineer, aeronautical maintenance engineer, quality engineer, embedded systems engineer, space mechanical engineer, electronics and industrial IT engineer, business engineer, electronics engineer of aviation security systems
Duration and terms : 5 years after the final year of high school
3 years after a preparatory class
IPSA offers engineering training through apprenticeships on the Paris-Ivry campus:
This program allows students to choose between two majors in Aero 4: “Aerospace Structure and Propulsion” and “Aerospace Systems”. At the beginning of the semester, they complete a 3-month international experience, then return to the Paris-Ivry campus to continue their training and their experience in business.
Partnerships with national organisations : Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs, Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
International partnerships : EUR-ACE, Royal Aeronautical Society
Dedicated web site :
Dedicated web site : ()