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Space Education Catalogue


Master Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, Environnement (STePE)

Course Details

Objectives : The purpose of the master's degree in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment (STePE) is to train high-level scientists to deal with questions related to the Earth, the environment and the planets, with solid bases in one or more two disciplines (earth sciences, physics, chemistry, mechanics) and an opening to other disciplines (including humanities and social sciences). The originality of the STePE de Paris Saclay mention is to bring together all the disciplines and themes of the site linked to the study of the Earth system seen from the point of view of the geophysical world, from internal and surface geosciences to to planetology, including the physico-chemistry of the atmosphere, oceans and soils at different scales. The theoretical lessons are supplemented by a significant set of applications, practical work and/or field internships, depending on the training element chosen.

The STePE mention is made up of 6 M1 pathways (such as: M1 Planetology and Space Exploration...) and 13 M2 focuses (such as M2 SPACE ISSUES AND NEW APPLICATIONS - NEWSPACE and M2 PLANETOLOGY AND SPACE EXPLORATION...) These courses are grouped around societal and business issues, clearly identified for students.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : The training courses below making it possible to integrate the mention subject to the opinions of the persons in charge of the various training elements are
- License Mention Earth Science
- Bachelor's degree in Chemistry
- Bachelor's degree in Physics
Possible bridge with the various engineering schools at equivalent level

Acquired skills during the training : - Master and make in-depth use of the specialized knowledge of geosciences, climate sciences, the environment or the planets.
- Mobilize methodological, technical and practical skills useful for solving problems in geosciences, climate sciences, environment or planets.
- Conceptualize, structure and conduct a project in geosciences, climate, environmental or planetary sciences and conduct a critical analysis of the results.
- Learn and act independently.
- Work as a team and collaborate to achieve common goals.
- Synthesize and communicate effectively in French and English and in a manner adapted to the target audience.

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : (PSL)

