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Space Education Catalogue


Mastère Spécialisé ® Chef de Projet Aéronautique et Spatial - Aeronautical and Space Project Manager

Course Details

Objectives : To train operational managers for the aeronautics and space sector and for the fields of activity benefiting from its applications by:

The acquisition of key technical knowledge in the field of architecture and operation of aeronautical vehicles
Learning the international management of aeronautical and space applications: sector structure, marketing, supply chain, finance, innovation management, project management
Taking into account, as a whole, all the life cycle processes of an aeronautical or space product: development, production, operation

Public concerned : Students or people wishing to improve or reorient themselves professionally.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Management School, University Degree
Bac + 5, French or foreign.
Bachelor's degree with professional experience.

Admission: file and interview

Duration and terms : 1 year

Partnerships with national organisations : Airbus, Air France, BAAS, Dassault aviation, ...

Dedicated web site :

